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Do you hope that the ebook with make people change their behaviour? After the cut up, any Rand cultist seen carrying a guide or writing by Branden was promptly excommunicated. Close relations of Branden had been anticipated to and did break with him utterly. In a improvement eerily harking back to the organized hatred directed against the arch-heretic Emanuel Goldstein in Orwells 1984, Rand cultists have been required to signal a loyalty oath to Rand; important to the loyalty oath was a declaration that the signer would henceforth by no means read any future works of the apostate and arch-heretic Branden. In a couple of chosen cases, restricted exceptions have been made for main cult members who could prove that they had to learn sure Enemy works with a view to refute them. On the ceremony, the couple pledged their joint devotion and fealty to Ayn Rand, after which supplemented it by opening Atlas maybe at random to learn aloud a passage from the sacred textual content. A collection of crises and growing internal contradictions was then essential to achieve energy over the minds and lives of the membership, and to inculcate absolute loyalty to Rand, both in ideological matters and in personal lives.
The havoc that this basic contradiction performs in the minds and lives of the disciples could readily be imagined. Power is achieved over the minds of the disciples through inducing them to just accept with out question the guru and his creed. If the cult grows past a number of members, it naturally becomes hierarchically structured, if solely as a result of the guru can not spend his time indoctrinating and watching over each disciple. The philosophical rationale for conserving Rand cultists in blissful ignorance was the Randian concept of “not giving your sanction to the Enemy.” Reading the Enemy (which, with a couple of carefully chosen exceptions, meant all non- or anti-Randians) meant “giving him your moral sanction,” which was strictly forbidden as irrational. Soon, he discovered that the Randian ideology sketched out in Atlas was supplemented by a number of non-fiction essays, and, specifically, by a daily month-to-month journal, The Objectivist Newsletter (later, The Objectivist). It should be clear at this level in history that an ideological cult can undertake the identical options because the more overtly religious cult, even when the ideology is explicitly atheistic and anti-religious.
That same month, the Blue Jays re-signed for a further ten years in the ability. Lots of the cases span several a long time and are introduced forward years after the abuse occurred. The adoration of the cult founder and leader, the hierarchical construction, the unswerving loyalty, the psychological (and when in command of State power, the bodily) sanctions are all too evident. Since every cult is grounded on a faith within the infallibility of the guru, it turns into mandatory to keep its disciples in ignorance of contradictory infidel writings which can wean cult members away from the fold. Characteristic of the cult (from Hare Krishna to the “Moonies” to EST to Scientology to the Manson Family) is the dominance of the guru, or Maximum Leader, who can also be the creator and final interpreter of a given creed to which the acolyte should be unswervingly loyal. For as soon as the acolyte is imbued with the view that approval of, and communication with, the guru are important to his life, then the implicit and explicit menace of excommunication of removal from the direct or indirect presence of the guru creates a robust psychological sanction for the “enforcement” of loyalty and obedience. For not only was the Rand cult explicitly atheist, anti-religious, and an extoller of Reason; it additionally promoted slavish dependence on the guru within the identify of independence; adoration and obedience to the leader in the title of every individuals individuality; and blind emotion and faith in the guru in the name of Reason.
The key if not the only qualification for membership and development within the cult is absolute loyalty to and adoration of the guru, and absolute and unquestioning obedience to his commands. Major social insurance policies in the U.S. Washington, DC: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The Federal Government and each province and territory in Canada have enacted human rights acts that prohibit discrimination and harassment on several grounds (e.g. race, intercourse, gender identification or expression, marital standing, religion, incapacity, age and sexual orientation) in private and public sector employment, housing, public companies and publicity. Thus, the assorted Marxist-Leninists cults formally and publicly extol Reason and Science, and denounce all religion, and but the members are mystically drawn to the cult and its alleged infallibility. That the cults of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Trotsky, and Mao are religious in nature, regardless of the explicit atheism of the latter, is by now widespread data. But cults become notably fascinating when the esoteric and exoteric creeds usually are not only different, however totally and glaringly in mutual contradiction. Top positions in the hierarchy are generally filled by the original handful of disciples, who come to assume these positions by advantage of their longer stint of loyal and devoted service.